High Anxiety

Mental health tips for people struggling with high anxiety

Your mental health is important to your overall health.  And, so often, we put it on the back burner until the symptoms are overwhelming.  Mental health is a real thing and sometimes we don’t even understand why something bothers us so much.  What causes this anxiety when life is going rather well otherwise? Mental health issues are certainly nothing to be ashamed of.  And, you should speak to your doctor should your mental health be in jeopardy. If you suffer from high anxiety there are many things that can be done, as well as medication.  Getting the right amount of sleep, exercise and balance with work and family are important to your mental health. Staying on a good diet and eating right can also help “feed your brain”, along with various therapies.  If you are struggling with high anxiety, there is help. And, there are simple things you can do at home as well.

Trauma and other experiences can create anxiety issues that require the help of a professional. Sometimes medication is necessary and at other times simply having a life coach can be all that you need. Dr. Brian Sullivan is a therapist in Charleston SC that has done extensive research and has a wealth of free information on his website on the topic of dealing with anxiety and stress.

High anxiety can seem like it swoops in and consumes you at any given moment.  Something triggers a trauma trigger or thought or you don’t even know why. And, it can take over your life rather quickly.  Getting that anxiety level down to a state that you can function is important. Here are some things to try:

Do something else.

Yes, do something else, change what you are doing, change where you are, change the view, do something else.  Often times the anxiety is so crippling you cannot think. So, try to remember some of these suggestions for those times of high anxiety.  Change what you are doing is pretty easy if you are not at work or school. If you are cleaning your bathroom, move to the living room or take a break and pet the cat. Change up what you’re doing until it’s better and you can resume.

Take a Deep Breathe

Learning some common breathing techniques even can really pack a punch in getting that high anxiety level down.  If you don’t know any techniques, take a deep breathe in and hold for 10 seconds and slowly exhale. This will calm your body down and you’ll be more in control of your situation.  This can be done quietly at your desk at work or school as well. And, it’s a great way to just relax. Remember, breath.

Question your Thoughts

During a panic attack, your brain plays tricks on you.  And, sometimes things get a little distorted and blown out of proportion.  In that case, take a step back, and ask yourself if that’s realistic. Things such as “I’m going to die if I do this speech” are not realistic.  But, accept that you are anxious about it. And, find points that are realistic. “I’m going to mess up but I can do this.” is more realistic. Accepting the fact that your anxious helps as well.  You are giving yourself permission to be in the space you are in. It is okay to have anxiety and very normal sometimes, but how you handle the anxiety will determine how well you can cope.

Calming Visualization

Relaxing on the beach

Take a minute, again, this is a great one for at work or school, and visualize something calming.  Maybe it’s a beach or a puppy, visualize you at your favorite spot or in a park, choose something that is relaxing to you.  Things such as what you’re going to make for dinner is probably not a good choice. But, sitting on a boat in the ocean with the sound of seagulls and splashing water could be a good option.  

Anxiety is not fun to live with, but if you can take some steps to maintain control, it’s not impossible.